Anyway, Last night I freed all the panels from the outer dome.
My dome has a lot of laser slag on it so it will be fun tonight getting all of that off. Also I need to file down the tabs that were holding the panels to the dome.
Here is the large pile of panels that will be getting painted and sanded to 2000 grit. I hope I will be able to get to that before winter but I need to get a set of ultimate hinges first. They hold the painted panels up
None of what I am doing is ground breaking but it's progress.
The final update on this log is the Midwest logo. I have been designing and redesigning the logo for about 4 months now. It has been through a lot of changes and updates but I think I finally have a "Final" version that I will use on shirt runs and other branding things.
Also on a not droid note, I have started acquiring parts for a storm trooper costume. I may devote a lot of time to finishing that when it comes in so at least I can troop with the 501st and Great Lakes Garrison.
This blog may turn into a multiple project blog but for now will remain just R2
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